I love these photos fashion blogger Hanneli took while hanging out with Anna Della Russo and Tommy Ton at Anna's house (because famous people actually do hang out all together the way I imagine in my head. Really.) and she played dress up in her closet! I'm pretty sure I will be playing dress up with my kids some day - definitely never too old.
Speaking of dressing up, Halloween is this weekend. For me, dressing-up night is tonight. I have a plan for an outfit that fits all my requirements: cute, involves little to no expense, and doesn't make me look silly/slutty (I'm looking at you, American Apparel). I'll try to remember to get some pictures!
Also this weekend: Everyone's favourite Halloween tradition... The Rocky Horror Picture Show. If you haven't seen it, now is the time. If you have, you know what I mean.
PS: Have you watched Rocky Horror Glee yet?